When I bought my Gleaner, AGCO was offering 1 year interest free, so I financed with them. Papers I got clearly showed transfer of the machine from the dealer to Agco Finance. Statement clearly stated that all payments were to be submitted to Agco Finance. Same thing goes for my MT tractor. Payments are submitted to Agco finance and all runs smoothly. Why was your dad or grandpa or uncle, so eager to involve a middleman in the payment chainIJ let's look at this from Agco's perspective: As you have found out, the dealers are obviously shysters. Chances are, Agco has known that for some time. let's say; just for the sake of argument that shyster comes to Farmer Joe and says, "Hey Joe. You know that $150K combine you owe money onIJ What say you pay me off and I'll make sure that you get a "Paid in Full statement" and will also mysteriously find $75K deposited to your account at the bank." Joe falls for it, but forgets that he's dealing with shysters. Maybe the deposit shows up, maybe it doesn't. In any event, Joe didn't do what he said he would do, which is remit payment to Agco Finance and now it becomes the finance Cos. faultIJ Sorry, Agco Finance comes off as the good guys here. Ed in Montana