Combines axial flow cost of maintaining


The drawback of any rotor or STS combine is if you pickup a stone or something like a piece of iron, or old post especially while cutting soybeans a rotor type combine can cost in the $10000 to $20000 range to fix. A conventional machine does not have that problem. It is advisable to carry insurance for that. Otherwise they all have wear if you use them alot.


Had a 6600 and 7700 went to a 1660 few years ago , and I found the basic same things wear out at about the same time , but the 1660 is much easier to work on . Also I think it is easier to adjust and needs less adjusting for various crop conditions . I do corn and soybeans only , can't answer for the rest . Mine has a rock trap and chopper . I will say again if you have any rocks get one with a ROCK TRAP and ClEAN IT OFTEN , I haven't had one get through yet , it saved my nnnnn many times .


We replaced another brand of rotary with an axial-flow this past summer. So far the repair bills are just as high as the old one. The big advantage of the AF, as I see it, is the opportunity to replace each wear part. That is not the case with the gray make. Salesmen have made glowing claims about low repair costs. These are substantiated by some neighbouring operators. I hope to see it, but.. Costs in 2001 - about $50 per engine hour (Canadian$).