Combines Axle extensions for R62 72


We're putting 12-22 onto R62 with 18.4-42 duals set for 30". It has 6 bolt finals so your spacers won't work. My question is who makes these spacersIJ Also I can't quite figure out what the 11" spacers do other than get the inside dual nearly centered with row. The outside dual will run onto row a couple inches the best I can figure. Do you need an outside dual with different offset rimIJ Do you get new driveshafts with kit or do you need to have them lengthenedIJ One more thing: Is the stubble left from Gerringhoff chopping head harder on tires than normal headIJ Thanks


I'm writing this after talking to you by phone, so maybe we already covered your questions. The axle extensions come frome Keltgens Tall Tires, Olivia Mn, where I live also. The idea behind the axle extension is to get the final drive centered between the 2 wheels on each side of the combine so as to reduce or eliminate the leverage stress out on the final drives. Yes you would need the whole package to do this. The rims on my combine have 11" offset each way so that the final drive is centered. Yes the driveshafts are lengthed 11" also. And two truss rods are used to help support the longer axles. If you want the whole complete set up for 6 bolt finals off my 2003 R65 (600 hrs) I can put you in contact with the people I traded it to as they might be willing to trade with you for single wheels, or you might want to swap something with them for the whole combine.