Combines B2 Biodiesel


I have used B2 for a couple of years. I have had no problems. last year i went through 3 tankers and the last tanker my fuel supplier forgot to add B2. After they brought that tanker i had to start replacing fuel filters every day!!! My fuel man and i had a meeting of the minds and both agreed to never go without B2. I truly believe in biofuels, we are running B20 in pickups and trailer trucks. We all feel we have more power and the engines simply run smoother.


Yea, that statement made me wonder, too! I've replaced several electric fuel pumps on my combines and they never had biodiesel. I am currently running B20 Soylect Blend in my semi truck for over a year now with no problems, plus mileage went up 1_2 mile per gallon and I notice a significant increase in horsepower, as I need all I can get with my small detroit fully loaded. NOW WAIT, I know the Biodiesel is too expensive so don't remind me. If we can get the premium cost down, look what that will do for the soybean price. I'm just trying to help and research the plus and_or minus aspects of biodiesel for future use. Ted CenOH


You might have gotten a bad batch of biodiesel with some crud in it. Also biodiesel is made using alcohol and it can dissolve sediment that were already in the tank and lines. Kinda like adding a cleaner to the tank and it will might cause some extra filter cleaning initially.


I'm not bashing B2 in any way. It did just what the post above said,washed down all the crud in the fuel tanks (farm tank and fuel trailer.)once we got a load or two (2500 gal. a load) burned thru the problems went away.I think that the B-2 is more solvent-like than regular diesel and cleaned out my tanks,that's all.I am all for using it but it was a monstrous pain in the butt this fall.I changed filters on two magnums twice,Changed filters on two 2188's twice, changed filters on my Cat 65E twice, changed fliters on Three fuel tanks one on farm two trailers twice.Same deal on forklift,payloader and backhoe. the only thing I did not have to change filters on was my 1953 D6U Cat dozer. cause it does not have any! like I said once we got thru a couple of loads of fuel everything was okay. I hope I did not cloud the issue too much on this Will


GO BIODIESEl!!!! We raise the crops, lets use them now, screw the arabs


The so called"Arabs" are just figureheads for the big American oil companies. Why do you think there is a warIJ


just figure heads. huh then whats OPEC american oil companies trying to hurt themselves. yea the war may be about oil. But one thing every body must realize what would agriculture. what would the whole civilized world do without it. this continent RUNS on oil even north of the border. i am all for energy independance and i do beleive we should do more than we are doing to find out ways to produce biofuels more cheaply. but right now we MUST have oil. if we didn't have a supply of it the whole north american infrastructure would grind to a halt. well with that said i hope no one starts looking for me with their 30-30. i was just unloading some of the stuff on my mind i don't nessesarily agree with everithing the oil industry does. well my shovel is getting dull i gotta go sharpen it before i can get back to work on this whole


This is probably a topic that could lead into a very interesting thread but not here. Has anyone ever thought of how well off farmers would be without large machinery costs, fuel bills,seed and fertilizer costs. I've watched the Menonite communties do without these things and not only do they survive but seem to be fairly well off. Worst thing that happens is the horse throws a shoe. Anybody care to share thoughts elsewhere besides this board. thanks


I think you are talking about the Amish who still use horse and buggy. I am Mennonite and run a 2166 and a magnum 8920. Some of my ancesters were Amish. You are right many Amish have done very well without Keeping up with technology. More recently with hogs staying at a breakeven price many have been switching to organic crops and livestock. They have the large families to be more labor intensive. I really wouldn't want to be that labor intensive but it seems that as technology pushes us forward we just get bigger and bigger with no more income. With all the technology there other headaches. With all the new electronics maybe a person can run longer hours but then what happens to their family life. Sometimes I think a simpler cheaper combine with more farmers would be better than were we seem to be headed. Technology has always drive farm size and probably will continue to do so as long as we continue to buy it. just my thougths Steve