Elwood,depends on if this is strictly a what if plan and we are talking only comparisons with the size of the other machines or if you are toying with building such a machine..So here are my thoughts on the subject.Sure you can squeeze more material through the 80 size rotor with more power behind it as we know from the 40 to 60 capacity differences but would suspect that in reality you would need to install the long wear stainless components as it sounds like pushing a lot of crop into the same space really accelerates wear .Also much more power would need driveline beefing up which would be more complicated so if you are building strictly a corn machine how about increasing efficiency for that crop first .lets put in the modified rotor from St.Johns welding with the full set of rear theshing bars which should get us about a 25% increase in threshing capacity with no other changes.Definately keystock grates and maybe disrupters for added turbulance and then run the rotor a bit faster and a bit more open allow more room for flow but not at the sacrifice of quality,which should work out as the machine would be full and threshing enhanced by grain against grain action.would want to be very particular here so as to minimize the amount of mog that the cleaning components would need to do. Sounds like the airjet seives may be the way to go as well but with the increase in material would want plenty of air going into such a system so would want plenty of fan which for me would be the old paddle fan with hilco and baffle from Future Farming Solutions. Now better build one of those self propelled grain buggies to keep grain away from such a machine rather than put so much more weight on the frame and driveline with huge bin extensions and let her roll.