Combines bad rotor loss from semi hyped r72


try closing the concave down to get them out earlier in the process, slowing the rotor down to 675 to start with. we have had to run clearances of 4-2 this year for some strange reason this year.


First thing I'll suggest is to slow the rotor WAY down from where you're at. We are running ours at 570 - 600. Read the post below about performance updates. Take some bars off the rotor and install a couple of F2 raps bars in the separator belly to aid in separation. Check the Hyper Mod site (button on left) for details - the F2 bars and part n are on P3 Cage and the rest is on P3 Rotor. Whatever you do, don't stick reverse bars back in - but that's my opinion!! Tom langan


Drop the rotor speed. Also is it throwing them out or blowing them outIJ Without enough flow the fan will start to blow the crop out of the back. The shoe needs to be kept busy or loses will start to go out the back. With it hyper'd you have one very hungry machine and needs to be treated as such. Also keeping enough in the rotor to do a good job of threshing also reduces the amount of actual rotor lose. I does most of the work at entry and lets the left side catch the few that didn't get caught on the right side. The reverser only cause the flow across the machine to slow down and eat more power. Hypering needs to be fed as much a possible to use the crop to thresh with instead of trying to send it the opposite direction as a return rotor. I run my N6 w_20' as fast as the sickle allows to keep enough flow and run about 7 mph with a 6-30 to keep the flow going. Slowing down and the pacer rises and not all the corn is crushed off the cob and the beans let too many hulls in. You can always tell when I slowed down for a turn or to unload, the grain gets dirty and lose out the back shows up.


Did I understand you that you put all foward bars in and no blanksIJ If so you need 2 blanks in row 3 and 4 blanks in row 4 on cylinder with 6 disrupters. Did not have F2 bars at time so TBran found me a 715 bar, cut some off, and fit in full length of seperator grate. Have cut 13% to 18% beans and I have practally no cylinder loss. Run pacer at most sensitive setting and needle moves very little from faster. As far as speed 850 rpms at 18% and was at 725 on 14%. The more beans dry and the more rain the easier they will crack. But the weather in W.Tn has been close to yours in Middle Tn.


yes,i have all foward bars in. and i have all 8 1_2 paddle 1_2 bar design in discharge area.does the blanks cut down on capacityIJ the weather is right, so i don't know if i have time do pull rotor and put in bar at bottom of grate. does this blank_F2 design work in corn and wheatIJ


How will th F2 bars in the bottom of the seperator cage affect the preformance in canola. Will it break up the straw to much or not. Also will the F2 bars help for rotor loss in wheat with a stripper header especially in tougher conditions, wheat testing 18+.


I don't know a thing about canola so I can't comment on that. But we noticed lONGER straw in small grains - and we were always impressed with the straw length we could get before we Hyperized and just running all fwd bars. I believe the F2 bars will help in just about any crop. And I also think the tougher the conditions, the more of a difference you will see. But they must be used in conjunction with either blank rows in the separator section or the hi-lo bar setup. We tried the F2 bars with all full height bars in once and didn't see any difference. Good luck, Tom langan


My capacity is great with 65 hp less than you. Super low cylinder loss in wheat in up to 80 bpa. High moisture corn loss is no better or worse than original in my opion. Take cover off over seperator grate and you can change bars and put F2 bars in without pulling out cylinder.


Yes, what I'm referring to when I speak of the "hi-lo" bar setup is running either blank rows (bars removed) in the separation side of the rotor or grinding down the teeth of rows of rasp bars to half their original height. This concept allows room for the F2 bars in the separator belly to trip the crop up and allow it to flip over and release grain that ordinarily would be trapped in crop residue and lost. Hope this helped! Tom langan