Combines Battery lead Clamps


Yes you can get them seperatly. Even your caseih dealer should be able to provide you with them. If not, any auto parts store will carry a large assortment of cable connectors. look on the cable somewhere and see if it shows the size of the cable. If not, take a caliper and measure the diameter of the cable inside the insulation. Take that measurement with you to the parts house, and they should be able to get you what you need. Be careful when you solder the connector, you want to use the right kind of solder(which I seem to have forgotten) and try to keep the heat right at the connector. Maybe use a water soaked rag and wrap it around the wire just below the connector or something. Wear goggles too when soldering.


You will need rosin core solder. Do not use acid core as it will eat the connection from the inside.