Combines Bean Kit


There are many different ways to get straw to flow in P1s. Double stack helicals or shim with 1_4" flat iron. Couple either one of them methods with green stem kit which adds some helicals to thresher side as well as hooks up the angle of thresher helicals to the seperator helicals at three locations. loewen has a channel iron kit the does the same as above all the way threw cage. Gleaner has a bean kit which is a full set of channel helicals which fasten at same angle all the way threw cage. All of the above work well to flow the straw. Tons better than the stock 3_8" flat iron. R62 72s had good channel helicals right from the get go but they tried to discharge material before the discharge opening (major constipation). Extending cylinder bars to discharge made huge improvement on them machines. It hard to believe how many machines show up every year in our trade area without the bars extended yet and many without feeder shock. Them poor machines but what a blast to see em go when we're done. Take care


I think I will double stack helicals as shown in hyper upgrades. Haveing trouble finding small enough plow bolts, might have to go right to Agco. Thanks for the info NDDan have a good day.