Combines Bean lifters


A couple years ago we had a lot of down soybeans. I bought a set of the spring loaded pickup fingers like they use to use on the old solid heads. We have a 25' 1020 platform and put 14 of them on. Before adding them I could only cut on way, afterwards we could cut almost any direction we wanted. The one drawback is that when things started getting tough around dark they wanted to pushup trash. To overcome this I pushed the header down farther lifting the ends of the fingers. Had to do the same of a morning until it dried off. I can't remember the name of them but I got them through my CIH dealer. Shoup's also has them listed in their catalogue.


Do these replace the standard plastic reel fingersIJ If so I'm not sure I can run with them as I also have an air reel and I believe that will limit how low I can go with the reel. Also what pattern do they go in. 14 seems like an unlikely number for a 6 bat reel.


they don't go on the reel. they go on the cutter bar, bolt on over the regular guard and use the same bolt hole, i space mine with 5 regular guards in between.


Search on the internet for Gaterman lifters. They make all diffrent kinds of crop lifters


Couldn't find a web site, but here is Gaterman's address and email addy.