Combines Belt engage separator drive


The 66's have always had that style engagement, and, as far as I know, it has never caused any problems. The 88's went to it because they said they were having trouble with the clutches, but I never knew anyone to have problems who didn't also have a releif valve problem, or liked to engage the seperator at higher RPM's, or tried to clear a slug with the engine and clutch. Maybe somebody that's owned one of each will comment. One local guy chews up about 2-3 rotor belts a year on his 2188, but as far as I know he's not had much trouble with the drive clutches. Chads


Farm Kid2, I'll take the belt seperator engagement any day over the wet clutch. If you use your head you shouldn't burn up either one very often but hired help doesn't always use their head and the belt is a lot easier to change than the wet clutch is. As for the side rotary air screen I have the latest updates on both my 03s and on one we went all summer and fall with out ever cleaning out the radiator or filter, and on the other we had to clean them out toward the end of fall harvest. I talked to several custom operators who had to clean them out every day before the last update came out.


We had to work on the wet clutch in the 2188 but it was obvious that someone who messed with it before didn't know what they were doing. I would think that for careful operators the wet clutch should last a long time. Probably no reason to write off the 2001 machines.


Do you really think the last updates made the difference, or do you think that some machines are still plugging the air cleaner even with the updatesIJ Do you think there is any chance this is a muffler problemIJ A CIH mechanic in KS says he has cured about 3 out of 4 machines with a new muffler.


We have run 2188s and 2388 well over 4000 hours and have never had any probs with the seperator engagement system at all as far as the side mount screen they must have gotten all the problems worked out on that I bought a 2005 2388 and put 220 engine hours on her last corn harvest and the radiator is basically spotless I cant believe it I would go to blow it out every other day like I wold on my 98 model macine and it was never dirty it sure does work well I will give them that... I will also say that in corn the afx rotor its the cats meow, I was sure impressed by the quality of the sample and the capacity of this machine.. I sure hope they continue to make it for several more years she may not have the most capacity and the biggest grain tank but I myself would have to say that they are one of the best machines ever built. My 98 model has 4700 engine and 3400 rotor hours I cant get it sold so I have decided to put her thru the test and see how many more hours that I can get out of her...


Excellent info! Just what I was looking for. Anyone else have any comments on the newer cooling systemsIJ


I never once thought of the muffler being the problem, but I know with out the last update no matter what you did with the muffler it would not have helped. The last update I put on my two 03s was the plastic rotary screen. The metal screan they came out with, the holes were too large and let to much dirt through.