Biden Administration Announces Foreclosure Moratorium and Mortgage Forbearance Deadline Extension That Will Bring Relief to Rural Residents


Golden Scarecrow
Staff member
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20, 2021 — In one of his first acts in office, President Joe Biden requested federal agencies to extend eviction and foreclosure moratoriums for millions of Americans. In response, the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced an extension of eviction and foreclosure moratoriums on USDA Single Family Housing Direct and Guaranteed loans (SFHDLP and SFHGLP) through March 31, 2021. The actions announced today will bring relief to residents in rural America who have housing loans through USDA.

Click here to read the full story.


Farm Hand
I'm all for helping people with loans if they were affected by COVID-19. I think it's great that they are doing this. I don't like the whole, renters not paying landlords. This isn't new to the Biden administration, it was the same in the Trump administration. I just feel bad for the landlords, especially if they have mortgages.


Farm Hand
That old man seems to have hit the ground running. Remember when he was campaigning? All the jokes about his age, dementia, etc....? Look at him now.

From what I'm hearing he seems to be doing the right things. I hope this goes well.


Farm Hand
You see both sides of him right now. A lot of unions and oil workers aren't happy with him (and rightfully so). I'm not a fan of his and I won't be becoming one anytime soon. I really wish we had 2 better candidates to choose from. There's always hope in 4 years.


Farm Hand
I really don't think this is much different than what was happening during the Trump administration. I think it is great all the same. Anything that can help farmers or anyone in this pandemic is a good thing.