Combines bigger machines


OK. why not add about 200 more parts and paint it green and call it a deere. what Gleaner has is simple and it works........why complicate things. we dont need bigger machines. an argument could be made for more horse power in some situations but most dry land farmers cant use up r62 power......just my thoughts.......vstk


Ok! I get your point - but you will need a bigger capacity separating cylinder - for a world class 8 - 9 and 10 machine of the future. 500 - 600 bushel grain tanks - 12 to 24 row split corn heads - 40 - 60 foot split headers. 1. make combine 2 feet wider between the wheels 2. Put in the bigger feeder and cylinder You could go to hdrostatic cylinder drives and put in two transverse cylinders and a divided feeder housing. For simplicity - put in giant cylinder - still drive it hydrostatically. You must do something to make it possible to keep the transverse cylinder and still get drive power to it. best, bill koob