It depends where you are located. I charge by the acre $23. My equipment is small so I usally dont charge by the hour unless its a real pain to harvest, crop not standing ,lots of short rows or waiting for wagons for a long time. I did a job with a freind once where this guy had about 40 acres on top of a hill. We had to go up a really steep logging road that was also narrow and low branches. The feild was shaped like a kidney and it had a small woods in the middle and the feild was a slope about 20% average. The guy that planted it didnt even plant headlands he got as close as he could to the woods hit one brake and cut the sterring wheel lift up the plant get around and drop it back in. My freind charged this genius $125 an acre thats with a 1660 IH with a 4 row wide and a grain cart. Have fun and good luck Matt