Combines Bullet Rotor Pics


I see how the rotor it self is the shape of a bullet. But the fins on the front are in line with the Rotor. I cant see that making a big difference. Well no JD doesn't innovate. Take care, Nathan


CNH ought to sue looks like the tines are only in the back nowIJ wonder if the next time they take them out of the back and put in straight barsIJ o right out of the axial flow handbook


Might have a lot to do with the fact that Deere got a lot of engineers from the CIH guys during the CNH merger (fiasco). last I knew the list was over 80 and that was from the E.M. Combine engineering group.


To me it really looks like a New Holland rotor. They have only had that style for what, the last 20 yearsIJ


John Deere hiring IH refugee engineersIJIJ Surely you jest.The STS[not a rotor] is so far ahead of the competition,hiring red engineers would pull them backwards.Yes_noIJ Hee,hee. ...It is interesting that now several years after the debut of the STS[not a rotor],John Deere has no trouble calling it a rotor. They build good products and have outstanding marketing,but sometimes they really get full of themselves.I digress.


Swede, "They build good products and have outstanding marketing" You nailed the formula for success in our new world of the 20 second soundbite. Marketing is everything and John Deere is the master at that in the agricultural space. Pull any layman off the street and ask them to name a brand of Tractor and see what the first response is. Ask them to name a color of tractor and see what the response is. Everyone knows John Deere. But even within the farming community they are masters at naming and branding their technology for that instant recognition that is so important. Have you ever looked at the fact that they name EVERYTHING. "Bullet Rotor", "Tri-Stream Crop Flow", etc. etc. Brilliant. Using my example of the lay people above, ask farmers what STS stand for and then ask what AFX stands for. Heck, we have a 1660 combine and I can't tell you what AFX stands for. This would also apply to many other companies. The absolute master of this philosophy is of course Microsoft. There is one reason that Microsoft is number one, and it is marketing. They make "Good" products, but by no means would I classify them as "Great". Also, Intel. I bet that we can all hum those three notes or know who Blue Man Group is because of Intel. Sorry folks, I digressed...... :)


You need to look at your own AFX rotor and note the similarities between it and the regular STS rotor that came out in 1999 such as the impeller on the front. looks to me like Case copied JD and more importantly NH who had it way before JD.