Combines Cab Interior lights IJIJ


Yeah, Stevie Wonder might have some advice here but in the meantime...You have a valid point here. Gleaner may have the problem solved long term but meanwhile back at the farm....I will look again at the local big truck supply store and see if they don't have a backlighted single throw dual pole switch that could be made to stay red all the time... this would probably light the other little light switches down there...the pacer is tougher. It is a milli amp meter that needs a wider translucient (spIJ) needle like speedo meter hands. The company has a zillion years supply on hand and almost no sales so they would have to divert $ from other projects to check out..let me run this by a couple of electrical gurus and see if they can help as well as the guys at Batavia.. (My Dad used to chew tobacco and made him a spit cup on the console right above the reverser switch. After a couple of nite time wet goopy finger dips I lEARNED to feel for the switch starting from the rear cab wall......Hey thats an idea...not a spit cup, but install a longer screw in the switch with a nut on it...locator screw...cheaper than my lighted switch .....will post later. You do also if have any ideas in this area.) tbran


Good idea on the backlighted switch. Perhaps I misled you on the Pacer. I have trouble reading the Pacer and other monitors in the overhead console. The cab light is too far away to do any good but maybe a miniature spotlight aimed at the overhead console would help. Any ideasIJIJ Tom Russell


I always wondered why red,....thanks... I'm still working on this...will post later... you wouldn't know my uncle tojo bran would you IJ He is a RETIRED Kamakazie pilot...good successful genes passed down...... :-- :)


Excellent suggestions! Heres what we did: 1) Change cab light bulb from 6 cp (candle power) to 32 cp.