Combines can anyone tell me about this feederhouse reverserIJ


maybe this will work. http:__cgi.ebay.com_ws_eBayISAPI.dllIJViewItemanditem=7631585458andrd=1andsspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AITandrd=1


Probably won't link because item has closed and the listing is no longer active.Can't help on the info requested Kristen, but will be interested as to how it works. I had iton my watch list,too. Steve


I got the address to work by copy and paste, but I'll try the other linking prosess and see what happens. I've heard of thse reversers, or one simular. I know nothing about them, as I dont use a reverser, but looking at the pictures, I think you could, if you wanted to, rig up the clutch to be hydraulic. Since the reverser only goes one way, you might be able to tee into the pressure line and put a throttling valve with a relief and make it an automatic clutch. IJIJIJ maybeIJIJ