Combines Can You ChangeTransition cone without pulling Rotor


not sure on your machine but on 1680and2188s take of elephant ears and come off with cone maybe the smaller machines are different but if not tie off top of rotor at gearbox with come along for safety


you can't get the cone past the elephant ears, pull the rotor its really not that big a job


Pull the rotor. You won't be sorry in the long run.It might even make the total job go faster without it in the way. I don't know how a person can get all the holes aligned and bolts in with the rotor in the way. Besides it gives a good chance to examine the rotor and bars out in the open,and while you're at it,you can crawl up in the cage and get a good look at the vanes. Penny wise,but pound foolish to leave the rotor in. I had an IH mech. with a forklift help me swap rotors;he had the feeder house off,and the rotor out in just over an hour.Going back in takes a little more time to get things lined up.Good luck.


not trying to tee anyone off if you have the time yes take rotor out and inspect if cone has holes you might want to check the cage, vanes can be changed better with out rotor I've found the extended wear vanes seem to be larger an carry the crop thru the machine better in the cone too just my opnion, also use the harden tee bolts(these are the bolts used with the extended wear vanes) to fasten the new cone they won't wear