Can You Use 15W40 Diesel Oil In A Gas Engine


New member
Can you use 15w40 diesel oil in a gas engine, or will it cause damage?


Farm Hand
Dear Valdez,

A standard diesel engine requires more protection since its compression is higher than gasoline engines. The grades of diesel oil are therefore a notch or so higher and therefore provide slightly more protection against wear than the standard oils recommended for gas engines. This is my opinion, and for that reason, I will choose diesel oils over gas every time, if the price is equal. As far as your concern about "damage" I am convinced that there is no need for any worry.


New member
Can you use 15w40 diesel oil in a gas engine, or will it cause damage?

I have used Rotella 15W40 T4 in EVERYTHING except for our 2006 Impala for over 20 years. I have not had a single engine failure because of it. I just got tired of having a different type of engine oil for EACH engine. Same for the antifreeze in the water cooled engines. Everythhingg has the same stuff. Fewer items to stock and take up less shelf space in the shed.

Some guys may disagree with me, BUT, that is THEIR opinion and they are entitled to it. just my 2 cents worth.
