Combines capacity of R50


I ran an R50 for several years. Acre wise, you should be able to harvest about 10 acres per hour in each crop. I had an 8-30 cornhead and ran 5.5 mph in 100 bushel corn. So, with a 6-30 you will be moving right along but I'm not sure you will quite be able to get to 10 acres per hour. Be sure your helicals are in good shape to move the material through faster. Otherwise, if they are not there will be a lot of power robbed. Especially in wheat.


I've got an R50 with an 18 ft. platform and in 30 bu beans it's hard to keep it full. limiting factor will be your sickle. In 100 bu. milo that still has some moisture in the stalk your speed will be 3.5 to 3.8. Feederhouse plugging and slugging the spreader limit you. For wheat you'll be in the 4 to 5 mph range.