Combines CASE CF80 808


These are European models of Case straw walker combines,they have probably been imported from Europe because our machinery is alot cheaper than in America,examples are = 2001 Case ct5080 (NH tx68+) 24f header 295 drum_hrs includes Case warranty for 2003 75000 ($116000) 2001 JD cts 25f head 430 drum_hrs chopper_chaff spreader,header trailer 79000 ($122450) 2000 NH tx68+ 757 drum_hrs s_leveling 24f auto float head with trailer 65000 ($100750) plus approx $5_8000 for shipping to the states, using exchange rate of $1.55_1.00


Saw those machines yesterday. Impressive combines. Huge walker capacity. Innovative way of switching from chopping to windrowing straw - just flip a lever at the rear corner and the back panel swings down to catch the straw as it comes off the walkers and direct it on out into a row. Chaff spreader, instead of being horizontal on the axle (like the useless one I took off my 1688) hangs down vertically behind the shoe and blows the chaff out each side. One has a Cummins engine at 225 kW. The other is 209 kW. Hours on the one: 329. Same cab as 2300 series. Doubt one could get any parts. Curious why they are here. No dealer stickers.


These combines are definately European decent. They were made by case on the same frame work as the New Holland TX models with a Case IH cab and a turrit auger. Parts would probably be accessible here in Ontario from a New Holland or Case dealer depending on which part is a Case or NH design. When NH and CASE went together Case went with the proven New Holland conventional line of combines to provide one for their line. Their was 4 models to choose from I believe offerred from case.


Check out the CASEIH web site, Go to Europe lots of info and pictures Chris


Got talking to a dealer at the london Farm Show. He said that they are European conventional.Also thought that parts would be a real problem. He thought that they had been at an auction in southern Florida and that they didn't sell there so they were trucked up to Bolton to try to be sold.


In response to "All colours turned Yellow". The CF combines have absolutely nothing to do with New Holland. The range you are thinking of is the CT range. These are basically the NH TX series in red paint, launched last year. The CF80 is one of three (CF60 and CF70) models in the Cross-Flow range of conventional combines which were designed by Case IH and built in the former Fortschritt combine factory in east Germany. The CF80 is the largest and was launched in 1998 with the other two models following afterwords. The CF80 is a high capacity machine with a 300hp 8.3 litre Case_Cummins engine. The cab is similar to the Axial-Flow but it differs in terms of the controls console and type of seat.