losses are often in the eye of the beholder! Individuals have vastly different ideas on what are acceptable losses. Some demand no grains on the ground. The more pragmatic trade time against losses, working on the theory, the first loss is the least loss. Different machines _ makes in the same paddock can give completely different results, depending on setup and suitability to the crop conditions. And then there is peer group pressure! An after harvest rain and the paddock with the sheet of green, or the thick green strips or the paddock with no green what so ever are all commented on by the passing farm fraternity. We should all use the quad [ 1_10th of a square meter for us in Oz ] and count our losses to get a definitive figure BEFORE we start waving our arms about losses. Hog Man, you may have a machine perfectly set up for your conditions and crops. The best of luck to you! We ourselves believe in the thin and fast flow theory thru the machine. The thin mat of material does not hold grain like a thick slow moving mat or so we hope! Cheers.