The three I followed were around the Corpus area. There were also a few up in the pan handle that I didn't get to. They follow contours very well and flex very well. One guy in Il that I was riding with was planting over a terrace and it was flexing beautifully. They are long in transport but having them only 12' wide is very nice. When they are in transport, the center wheels lift so high you should never have to worry about dragging the rear units going into or out of the field. An 8410 should handle it nicely, depending on what you have hanging off of the planter and what the ground terrain is like. My customers ranged from pulling it with a 8110 to a 9220. Most were the 84 series however. It is a fairly simply machine that works well. The frame design is much simpler than the Deere Bauer that we have. Pro Units are also very nice. --Z Farmer