Combines CDF rotor cost


if they have gotten that high then you might look at a bison rotor.


How much is a Bison rotorIJ How about a St. JohnsIJ Anyone running one of thoseIJ


at the time in febuary it was $5500 through nddan. and a little to have it droped off when he was going by towards louisville. the st. johns, i'm not sure.


I was quoted $7154 for a CDF with wide spaced bars from Agco and $4721 for just the rotor. Seems a bit high to me. St. John's quoted $2336 for just the rotor or $4256 roughly with bars. Don't know how Agco can get double the money for the rotor when St. Johns can custom make one for half of that.


the rotor itself hasn't gone up from a year ago, must be the bars. i used most of the bars when i changed but then the r-62 burnt so i got a newer 62 and put a bison in it. i truthfully fell in talking to dan that the bison is the front runner coming down the road. you've got to remember the cdf doesn't follow the contour of the concave being 2 inches smaller in diameter, how do you get the full capacity out of the concave--just something to think about.


How do you like the bisonIJ I also never understood how the CDF was supposed to work being smaller. I talked to St. John's and like what I hear about their rotor. It is the same diameter as the original and costs about half of what the CDF does. The guy I talked to sounded like he knew what he was talking about. He didn't sound to fond of how the CDF worked either. Might go to their rotor instead.


Put in a CDF last fall, saved 1 gal_hr in fuel, and could run 1 mph faster. Not saying it's better than the others, just my experience. 10000 bu of beans shipped direct off the combine averaged .2% fm and 0 splits, 30000 bu of corn averaged less than .4 fm. beans tested between 11-13%, and corn tested 17-19%.


I think being 1" less in diameter is the beauty of it for corn. You'll be amazed by the whole cobs. Maybe St. John's will build you a rotor that is 24" rather than 25" in diameter but will have all the good points of the St. JohnsIJ I know I would like to try one that way.


Are you running wide spaced barsIJ The guy at St. Johns recommended them also. The good think about the CDF is the availability, the bad part is the ridiculous price. Just don't want to spend $7000 plus and not like it. At least if I didn't like the CDF it would be easier to resell because it is an agco part.