Cell Phones For Business Use


Farm Hand
Well, tax season is upon us so it's time to start thinking about what you can write off. Every business is a little different, but can you write off your cell phone / internet service?

Any other ideas as to what we can write off as business expenses would be welcome.

Petal to the Metal

Golden Chicken
Here's what I think is true. Some home based business where clients come by regularly can warrant a tax deduction for a portion of the yard since many clients won't hire you or buy from you if your landscaping looks awful. I know I wouldn't buy plants from someone who can't take care of their own yard. As for cell phones, the fees that came about from conducting your business are deductible, but you can't deduct any other fees. For instance, if your daughter is on the same plan and she's chatting with her friends, that's not deductible.

I hire a professional to handle my business taxes, but I try to stay on top of it all too. In addition to filing that year's taxes, we discuss how to best move the business forward during the next tax season in order to maximize deductions.

The Big Cowhuna

Golden Chicken
Yep, I write off the internet and phone usage for the business. I also write off advertising, 50% of business meals, and things like that. I think you can write off animal shipments to your farm too, or at least you could with sheep.

I'm like almost everyone else here, I hire someone else to do the taxes, mostly because they'll have my back in case of an audit. However, I do pay attention to what is going on and I keep my receipts and detailed records.