Combines Chaff buildup feeder spout


Must be different terminology. What's a feeder spoutIJ Is it the same thing as my feeder houseIJ I get a lot of leaves, etc. on the top of there. So much that you can't raise the header all the way withoug denting the tin at the bottom of the cab window. I have an idea how to get rid of it though. Waiting for the prices to come down a little and the things to become more widely available. I'm thinking next year. Ed in Montana


Yes, feeder house. Same problem here. Keep me informed. FWIW Dropping the floor of the feeder house 3_4" seemed to help smoth out the flow. Dropping it that much increases the area under the square tube 30%. Not as much feeder chain rumble as material goes under the square tube. The transition plate under the front drum of the rear feeder was worn through so we replaced and lowered it at the same time. In good grain you can just keep increasing ground speed until the rotor rpm starts to slow. The limiting factor is shoe loading and disribution. Will work on that this winter. In the hills what works on the level becomes all wrong hanging on a side hill.


Good to hear your luck on feeder floor. Did you flaten or remove the hump under rear tention drum at the same timeIJ Common thought is feeders are to narrow for mass flow. I got bunches of machines proving that theory dead wrong. Have you ever tried leaving cover off top of feed housing to limit buildupIJ I don't suppose that would keep enough of the area clean. I think a hose plumbed into header air supply will keep feeder clean. May want to plumb it into manifold with thin wide slot to blow accross feeder. Good luck


on air reels to keep the throat clean i take 1 1_2 in. muffler pipe and have it bent in an s shape close to one end. i then lay it across the back of head on right side with the bent end towards throat about 18 in from the side of throat. flaten the end to spread air across the throat. with hole saw cut hole in metal air tube at end of head and weld in 12 in peice of exhaust pipe. have this short peice bent at slight angle. connect the two together with bulk radiator hose. if you have a flexable hose from blower to air reel see your dealer about later reel parts and install the metal section at end of head. weld flat metal to pipe and bolt to top of head where the vertical brackets on back of head attach to top. this has worked well for us. it does not rob enough air to efect the reel.