Check your pinch point as the Mudflats suggested. Other things you can do is improve the chopping by using sickle sections to replace the fixed knives in the chopper. Either do it yourself or get a kit from the outfit listed in the "ATTACHMENTS" section of this page. Also disrupters can be added to break roping in the cage. Here is a bunch of spreader fixes that was posted by SDman on here years ago that should help your situation. I copied and saved them for just this situation. "CIH Straw spreader performance improvements from SDman. Just thought I would share some tips to help maximize performance with factory chaff spreader attachments. We have several 36' MacDon heads out here and have a lot of no-till so even spreading of residue is a must. With just a few mods., and not a lot of money, you can make a stock Axial-Flow the best at spreading residue evenly. Here are 5 major points for proper setup. 1) Be sure you have the straw deflector in the discharge hood for even distribution to the spreaders. This deflector was added at 1997 production and can be installed in older machines and is adjustable. 2) Trim back about the last foot or so of the curtain on each side of the spreaders about were the curtain makes the first 30 degree turn. You might want to cut the curtain off and keep it in your shed so you can install them for row-crop harvest so cobs are not thrown towards the rear of the combine. 3) Install the fast speed spreader pulley (partn1994772C1, also requires spacer n27828R1),this increases spreader speed from 227 to 346 RPMs. 4) Set the spreader bats to aggressive position(this is shown in operator's manual but I see very few of them set this way) you might want to mark the spreaders Right or left so you do not get them mixed up when you remove them. 5) Case also came out with taller spreader bats that are taller than the factory ones. They recommend 3 of these bats on each spinner so that they alternate on the disc and that they alternate from each disc(short bat on lH spinner lines up with tall one on RH spinner, and vice-verse). The part ns for these are 321372A1 for lH on 88 series, 321373A1 for RH on 88 series; 323745A1 for lH on 44_66 series, and 323746A1 for RH on 44_66 series. These help spread tougher material such as green stem soybeans and help eliminate the "strip down the middle" that customers have complained about. With these simple mods, you will find these machines can spread evenly in most conditions."