Combines chaffer modsandrasp vs channel concave


Your long shoe F2 does not have that "dead" air space. By all means do the chaffer mod. I did that to my '81 F2 with the small grain chaffer (small fingers) and got an excellent sample with lots of capacity. Check and make sure the rear beater is getting the material on the walkers. The more material you can get on the walkers the less load on the chaffer. I also put a larger gear on the rear beater to speed it up get the material away from the cylinder better. i cannot remember what the tooth size was though. Make sure you are running whole cob and keep the machine is full. Grain threshing grain is the best for reducing grain damange and grain falling on grain on the pan will not bounce around like grain hitting metal. With the chaffer mod you should be able to run the choke on the fan wide open and not blow any corn out the back. Good luck, Pete Hinrichsen


I use 3 channels for corn and soybeans. leave the one on the door and take n2 and n4 out for corn and beans. I use 3_8" cylinder opening for beans and 1_2" for corn with cylinder filler bars. I never knew about rasp bars until a couple of weeks ago.


When I ran a F2 I had a half round concave on the door to do most of the shelling in corn.It would not damage the grain at all,then the two channels cleaned the rest off but did damage some. tried all half rounds but would not clean cob.When I ran filler bars it seem to crack alot.I also didn't know about the rasp concaves,if I would have would have tried them for sure.


Thanks guys.Here's another thing.I never used concave on trap door in corn.Was told it caused too much vibration of door.(hard on latch etc.)In fact the last few years I left if off in beans so cyl would eat slugs instead of kicking door open.No rocks here to worry about.Run rasps in n2andn4 position and never had to change that to go from beans to corn.Terry Welch @ St.Johns Welding in Ks. told me that channels cracked less grain than rasps.He claimed that rasps were made for hard threshing wheat_small grains.I do not know what's best.Never did a comparison-contrast between concave types.Ran whole cobs through A2 @3_4" clearanceand5_16 on beans.( with only 4 cyl bars in beans-it would eat BIG green wads)Bars had every other tooth welded upandhard surfaced.As I say,I don't know what's best and appreciate all suggestions. Steve


Pete you say you put a larger gear on rear beater to speed up. Wouldn't a larger slow down the beater. I presume your refering to gear thats below and to frout of hyd pump on right side(opposite ladder side) this would be is on a l series. This is a interesting idea, does anyone have what percent increase works bestIJ These weldup sprockets could make a cheap way to experment with speeds. thanks