Combines Challenger 660 Demo massey s sis


How did it perform compared to your R-62's, as far as grain sample, grain loss, and overall capacityIJ I have to agree with you as the challenger_massey only has 9 belts and no right angle gear boxes making it the less complex combine on the market. But, I am surprised that no one is really talking about it much. Anyways it would be nice to demo a 9790_9690 or 670_660 yet it would be a toss up on an R-75_R-65, simply because of the accelerator roll system that the Gleaners have. Glad that you got to run one.


Running beside our R-62's in 170 - 200 bpa corn they were very comparable in capacity. The 660 may have a little more. It seemed to put out allot of whole cobs, even going threw the chopper. It was a little harder to get "seed corn" out of the sample. But it also seemed to have less cracks. I think it would be a strong contender.


We demoed a 9790 with our R-75, I hate to admit it but it will keep up in most conditions. It has a huge threshing area but it will not be the sidehill machine the Gleaners are until they have a leveling system or figure out how to put the accelerator rolls in it. BTW from the grapevine I here they are working an getting them configured in the Massey and Challenger. I like the way massey runs, honestly I think the constant rotor speed has more to do with it being so competitive than anything, if they can figure out how to do that in the Gleaner whoaaaaaaa that would be increase capacity again