Buy some earplugs so you can sit in the noisy, primitive cab. Congratulations for not getting a straw chopper, that has eliminated alot of problems. Check all your hydraulic lines as they are touching and will eventually wear through. Greenstar is 10 years behind afs. Ignore the "green blood injected JD freeks" that tell you John Deeres never break down, Shaker arm bearings etc etc need maintaining every bit as much as your old 2388. If you have to harvest anything with a bit of green leaf (maybe not a problem in your part of the world) slow down, check whats coming out the back then slow cown some more. Get used to the way it shakes and rattles when running empty, there is nothing wrong with it, it is just a deere. If you block the rotor, "disengage the feed accelerator beltIMMEDIATElY. BEFORE YOU TRY TO UNBlOCK THE ROTOR EVEN ONCE". Apart from that enjoy the extra capacity, fast unload and ability to change sieve settings from the cab.