Combines changing pivot drive belt


Hydralic clutch splits easy to allow belt replacement. If you can detention belts you can handle. large driven sheave is a taper lock so you remove three bolts and reinstall back into tapped holes to push sheave loose from hub. Then if you have belts loose you only have the four nuts on bearing holder that holds assembly in. Make sure you mark up on bearing holder before removing assemble to the left or else you'll want to be sure bearing is free to pivot in holder before assembly. I would suggest experienced help to lift clutch down for they'll know how it weights up and he can replace clutch support bearing when in there if noisy. Also good idea to check torque on nut that holds clutch hub on when in there. Not hard to tackle on your own if your into this sort of stuff. Most weight will be on person under machine and less on a helper on the outside. You can carefully pry clutch away from driven hub to get started but don't go so far it falls in your lap. It should slide to left easy if bearing holder isn't to stuck in side frame. Good luck.