Combines Chart for seeds sq ft bushels acreIJIJ


I am sure you can find that information is just about any combine operators manual. Or, you could ask your local seedsman the number of seeds per pound, pounds per bushel and then do the math.


When Allis Chalmers was still the familar name branded on the side of your Gleaner,they had a neat little Crop Saving Guide that you could carry in your shirt pocket.It has all this information.I assume you are calculating for wheat loss behind your l2IJ Across the width of the machine including header.(24ft. wide by 1ft.deep count total number of grains and divide by 24. A count of 20 per square foot would equal 1bu._acre loss.)If you want to know what the loss is coming out the back of the seperator of your l2,you need to make a frame that is 53" wide by 8" deep which equals 3 square feet.With a 24ft. header you would have to count 103 grains in that 3 square feet to equal 1bu._acre loss.