We have all chevy, every piece of farm equipment is red, 4 volvo semi's, 1 freightliner, and all have close to 10,000 hours (tractors),1 milllion (semi's) and 100,000 miles (pickups) on them, and still goin very strong
Deere Tractors, 2388, Chevy P.U., Volvo Semi. I agree farmertony with you. I live about 60 miles S.E. of you and Pioneer is biting it big time this year. I am a Fontanelle dealer, but have been planting more and more Pioneer the past couple of years because it was performing good. They bragged about how they took care of their standability problems. (which is why we quit planting it several years ago) All I can say is "flat as a pancake" we would have been done much earlier but are still harvesting. Opened a few fields up earlier and can honestly say that we lost 25+ bushels because of the lodging when we came back. Needless to say, we will be planting less Pioneer next year.
Four JD tractors, about a dozen Ford trucks, and mostly Champion corn with some Pioneer, although the Pioneer numbers all got their behinds kicked in my test plot this year (again).
Amen brother, my yield monitor read 200 to 210 bushel in good standing 105 day corn and dropped to 170 in 105 day Pioneer with 50 to 75 standability. Not to mention I picked up a rock with the corn head which bent a piece of my cross auger. Doesn't make me much of a cheerleader.