Combines CIH


We tried one in a customer machine several years ago. Depending on conditions as to whether it worked well or not. In really green stem beans it didn't want to clean out very well at all. The combine had a standard rotor and I think a specialty rotor with some spike bars on it would have helped. In drier material it worked very well. We got this grate from Hy Capacity in Humbolt, Iowa. I don't know if they still handle them or not.


NHD; I demo'd what was called a sharktooth shredder one fall in soybeans. I was using a 1440 at that time. The straw was partially yellow and not yet dry, yet the beans were dry in the pods. This condition caused the shredder grate to plug with the wet straw and made 'er pull hard. I think if the straw were as dry as a bird nest, it could have worked fine in chopping the straw, but I never found out. I took it out of the machine and put the keystock grate back in.


NHD; P.S. I still have the grate, it's in my shed if you're interested in it.


I've use the sharktooth grate for years and really like it for my no-till. I don't have a chopper and don't need it with 22" no-till corn. I have a specialty rotor with the Accelor on the front. I put the accelor on last year and it will really fly through corn and beans. Especially corn.