Combines CII corn head


DandD equipment in Chilton WI may have one. They were known as Combine City. Corn heads off of a G combine may also fit. Ramiesh Implement near Madison WI had a G combine with heads listed in the last Agriview. We had a CII diesel for many years. Combined Corn and grain with it. Needed lots of duct tape at the end. We traded it for a 10HP electric motor that the neighbor had after we got our F2. He used it for a few years and then sold it. last I saw It was loaded up on a truck headed south. Jason


We have a C430 here in NW Kansas. What all are you looking forIJ You can run a G head, but it requires an adapter plate. let us know if we can help. Happy Harvest from NW Kansas!


what sre you asking for the corn head and how can i contact you. thanks


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