Combines clean seed tailings slip clutch


Incline auger could be worn out. I don't grease my silp clutches. Tim


Start first by disassembling the slip clutch and cleaning the grease off the lugs with solvent.


Whats the incline augerIJdo you mean the elavatorIJthanx for the responses.


The incline auger in your grain tank. If that is worn out, it will not keep up with grain coming up the elevator. I had problems with my slip clutch this year. It already had washers behind the three springs. I bought two new ratchets and three springs. I may have gotten by with the old ratchets after finding out one spring was broke. The new springs were longer, so that meant the old springs had lost some of their tension. I also found out that you do not want to grease the slip clutch. If you are running elevator chains with the poly paddles, check and make sure you have not lost any bolts. We also found this problem and lock tighted each pair of bolts on each paddle.


If you greased slip clutch take it apart and clean good. Then take hammer and break grease zerk off. We had an extension on our 1680 and had to add bubble up auger to cure the problem in high moisture corn. My 2 cents worth.


if you look at the clutch where the 3 bolts are, after you clean all the grase out like previously mentioned you can add 3 more bolts and springs. you take an angle drill and drill out the other 3 holes and our dealer sells a package of 6 sets of springs and bushings .... you need to replace the old as well as installing the new so they are all the same size springs. in wet corn with a bin extention we used to stop to wait for a wagon loaded and the clutch would then slip when starting up again until we changed ours. haven't had trouble since.