Combines Close but no Cigars 4400 Saga Continues


RED yiu have more patients than a church mouse. the points and condenser might have to be a special set . we tried a regual set on our 4400 once and the combine diid not run a set for a 292 power plant motor and the combine run well aferwards . but that was 25 years ago my memory might of failed me .hope to hear soon that you have it running


Beetonia, thanks for the tip. I'll probably just call Chris at Reynolds Farm Equipmet Deere dealer. After working on Farmall Hs so long, I am pleasantly surprised at the prices on Deere parts. They are more reasonable then IH prices which have more than doubled in 9 years. Hopefully I can get a carburator kit. I suspect that Bendix carburator is also a special settup not found in a GM truck.


Red, Almost there it sounds like. On my 55 and 95 I went to our auto parts store, told them I needed points, cap and rotor for 303 JD gassers and they had everything I needed. When you rebuild the distribuitor, make sure the advance springs will let the weights alter the timing and retract the weights when the motor is idling, also put a dab of grease (electrical I prefer) on the dist. shaft.


thanks 95man. I don't know if I will remove the breaker plate and look at the springs at this time. Had to replace the springs on my 51 Farmall H distributor though. One spring hook was almost worn through. The Bendix carb looks like it should be pretty easy to overhaul. Doesn't look much different then the Farmall H and M carbs I have rebuilt in the pass. No no no. I ain't gonna paint the combine red.


Rebuilt the Marvel-Schebler carb on the 95 in about 30 minutes, make sure the electric power valve solenoid works, if not, try to find a salvage, a new one here costs 150$ for the little thing!!!!


I don't think this Bendix carburetor has that power valve soleniod. It's your basic downdraft one barrell carburetor.