Combines cobs jamming straw walker


Someone has not put l straw walkers in have theyIJ The l walkers are not as wide and will cause this problem. There SHOUlD not enough room for cobs to get between the walkers on any machine unless they are damaged or wrong. Bearing blocks OKIJ By betwen the trays I assume this is between the Walkers. IF it is between the walkers and the shaker below them walker screens can prevent this. IF you are talking between the shoe and the shaker bottom you have an air problem due to low rpms or a stopped up fan , bent splitter or non functional air choke. Need more information. Maybe someone else can help.


Yes I mean between the walkers. Your suggestion that the bearing blocks are worn may be worth investigating. This might explain why the problem has been getting progressively worse. I think what you are saying is that too much clearance in these blocks may allow the walkers to spread apart enough that a cob could get between them. I will inspect the blocks. Any suggestion on how much clearance is acceptable. Thank you tbran for your response.


I guess the question now is it the same ones all the time. There is not more than a 1_4" clear between the walkers. In fact sometimes they touch. Again I go back to the wrong walker. IF the chopper knives get worn it will choke the walkers and sometimes bend them, then for replacement it is a common thought l's and M's are the same. The M walker is wider than the l. Again the only time I have seen this is when this substitution has occured. Ala my learning curve.


I measured the width of the walkers and they measured 10 5_8 ins. The combine width is approximately 44 3_4 ins. If you do the math this would allow a gap of .45 in between each walker and the sides of the machine. From what you are saying this is too much clearance. It would appear that the walkers are too narrow, perhaps from an l. Would you know the difference in width between the l and M walkersIJ As far as the bearings are concerned they appear to be in good condition.


10 5_8" = 10.63" so it would appear he has the correct walkers in the machine.


I didn't remember it being that much clearance, so I stand corrected. SO I would check walker blocks, perhaps the walkers are 'tilting ' and allowing cobs to wedge. Beyond that I am in virgin territory. Simply never experienced this with the correct walkers. Now I go back to the blocks, RPM or air problem I suppose.


Thanks all for your suggestions and information. I will check walker blocks for tightness. Cobs always get stuck in the areas where the sides of the walkers are relieved for the crank arm. I am wondering if the slip clutch has become weak and is breaking loose to early.