We used to do this quite a bit with the R50 we had. Pull every other wire out of both concaves (thresh and separator) if you haven't already (this is for low wire concaves). Run concave tight and fast rotor speed to bust cobs up. As for shoe - we ran WITHOUT a chaffer AND sieve. Set air to blow leaves out, but just low enough to keep corn in machine. We did find out early on that running this way will cause return elevator to plug easily. We cut a 2X4 to fit the width of shoe and stuck in slot at back of shoe to prevent stuff from even getting to the return. You'll have to find a way to anchor it in there so it doesn't slide down and jam your return auger. This works out pretty well - can save a lot of cob doing this. You will get some small pieces of stem in sample, but we always ran our corn through a roller mill with a husk cutter. You never did see much other than corn and cobs in final product. If you want to be able to adjust the amount of cob you save, cut every other row out of a round tooth chaffer. This would also help to reduce stems getting into the sample. Keep in mind that running cob mix will slow you down as your clean grain will limit machine capacity as it is handling a lOT more material. Accelerator roll wear will increase too.