Combines combine engine died


Has any hyperizing been doneIJ How many acres do you run through the machine in a yearIJ What is the condition of your headsIJ Will those heads fit on a newer machineIJ What is the condition of some of the major wear parts cage, bars, augers etcIJ How reliable has the machine been up to nowIJ How important is resale vs. longevity to youIJ What does your cash flow situation supportIJ How good_close is your dealer and how dependant on him are youIJ The 84s had most of the bugs worked out so I would not be afraid to either putting a Cummins in or replace_rebuilding the 426. In my opinion, for what it would cost to replace the capacity of that machine, assuming it is in excellent condition, an overhaul_Cummins transplant would be the most cost effective. At 3000 hrs allot of the major components (concave, bars, feeder house chain) probably have been replaced and depending on what you replaced them with (chrome vs. black iron) you may be looking at replacing those items again in the near future. By the same token if you trade for a newer used machine you may end up replacing the same components in your new machine. Hopefully someone else can extol the virtues of upgrading to a newer machine. My $.02 worth, Pete Hinrichsen


I don't know where you are from, but I am in Iowa, and have a friend who got ahold of a new in crate cummins that is around 10 years old. He bought it to have in case he needed someday, he mentioned selling it a while back. It would need an injection pump and turbo as they had been robbed before he bought it. If you are interested I will check with him about it. When we put our cummins in Hyper harvest II had a kit and instructions to put one in an N5. Not too bad of a job except for aliging the motor with output shaft. let me know. Kirk


The combine is stock but in excellent condition as are the heads - that's why is such a debate. What does the cummins replacement cost.


We gave $4500 for a used cummins 8.3 with approx. 2000 hrs. We had a hard time finding one in a yard two years ago, but that all depends on what is in your area. WE had to go to Indiana to find one that suited us. I cannot remember what Hyper II got for his kit, but he also prepped the motor for us (reversed turbo, switched pan, a few other things I cannot remember) We put it in ourselves and If I remember we had around $6500 in it. Makes a great combine out of it. We figured we were going to have at least this much in fixing the old motor to do it right (probably would have had to hire it out due to the timing of the motor failure),and it was going to take us more time. For what it is worth my friend said he would take $4000 for this new motor he has, If you want more details on it get me a phone number and I will have him call you directly. kirk