Combines Combine mkt share something s fishy


Hello Again, looks like the n's once again speak for the Deere following. I hear the Aussie's call Gleaners


So far as I know, Farm Journal bases their market share rundown on FACTS, not opinion polls. The REAl numbers speak for themselves. Opinion polls are just that; - OPINION!!!


Most manufactures choose to report to group called EMI. Equipement Manufacters Institute will then in turn tell those reporting manufacturers their own market share. They will not tell one manufacturer what another has for market share. The market shares in the Farm Journal are an estimate from "Starks Off Road". Not EMI, it is right there in the small print. The Prarielinks site has a opinion survey.


OK, If that is so, there must be a fair number of Deere and CIH guys who would actually like to be running Gleaners just like Grainman, correctIJ Apparently, they bought red and green, according to the "facts" in FJ, but according to their "opinions" on Prairie links survey, they wished they were in Silver machines. I can see their point, I can feel their pain - hey, I'm running for Prez.! Tom langan


Best of luck. You will need alot of luck using the "I love Gleaner" platform lol!!!


lol! The only PAIN I felt was when I tried to deal my N6 on a competitive combine, which is why I'm still BlESSED with it to this day. It runs with my Deere 9600 in corn, and their are days where I'm glad I still have it (the N6),but not many! I'm hoping to deal it on a C62 after harvest! I had one on demo and was impressed with the machine overall! Not much support or talk about the C62 on this board, though!


I do well to get 6 mph out of my 9600, and that's running an 8 row head in 160 bushel corn at 24-28% moisture.