Combines Combine personalities


My combines are a lot like my wife. Even thouth they irritate the s--t out of me at times, I love them anyway and would never give them up.(Hope the wife doesn't read this, she's my best combine driver!)


You win the big prizefor having a wife who can drive a combine! How in the world did you manage thatIJ My wife is almost to the point where she can operate a small loader tractor after 20 years of fairly continuous instruction. But a combineIJ No way! She is afraid of the machine and I am afraid to let her sit in the cab to start it. If something out of the ordinary happens like the unloader going out while parked in a building I doubt she would know what to do. She can drive trucks better than I can, but the combine is like trying to learn how to fly without an airplane. Tom in MN


well i would . . . but i better not. I'll just sit here and grin instead! Hee hee hee!


Tom: My wife has run the 7720 Deere we had, the 8820 Deere, the R-60 Gleaners, and R-72's also. All in corn. She did a great job running all these machines in corn, and I couldn't be prouder of her. The Gleaners were easier as settings were easier and I would just check on the ground when coming to get loads. She had to use the pacer to gauge speed on the 60's, and the 72's you just try to keep full and do great. By the way, I think she could fly that airplane you mention, too. Have the best of holidays, etc. and best for the new year!!!!


My combine doesn't like my wife. I think its jealous. Every time my wife comes to the field and rides with me my combine breaks. Usually its just plugs the feeder house or somthing small like that but one time it knocked that big bearing out on the main shaft. Needless to say in order to keep harmony on the farm at harvest my wife is no longer allowed to ride on the combine with me.


during the 2000 season i taught my girlfriend how to run our N7 in corn


It is okay to have a wife, daughter, girlfriend, etc. who does not feel comfortable with the idea of running a combine. I know of at least farm wives who would do any man-sized chore on the farm including operating equipment, but for some reason, the combines were out of the question, even if there were 2 to work with. Other times, I've seen where the family combine was exclusivly operated by the wife or daughter and they enjoyed it, and would NOT trade out for any other chore at harvest time. As one woman has told me, she thinks combining is far more fun and less risky than water sports. Just about any professional combiner can go on and on about the virtues of female drivers for both combine and truck. So if you have wives who drive anything for you during harvest, just remember how blessed you really are. Happy New Year!


My 2000 9650 STS is female. I work on it all day for a 10 minute ride! Have a good and happy New Year!!! Jay.