As you page down these sites it is apparent all brands have some loyal supporters so you will have to facter in your local dealer and parts system...I run CIH and am well satisfied as they have a proven and reliable machine that can be configured to match whatever conditions you work in...don't think you will find a better grain sample coming from any other brand machine...Know of some 1440_1460 series still running strong with 12-14000 hrs on them and yes these machines have excellent people running and taking care of them but my point is that they are still running reliably and new machines are not saving more grain or threshing with less damage..have 3 neighbors who have switched from 750-850 Massey's to 1660's and one to a Gleaner R 52..the Axial Flow owners appear to be real happy with the increased mechanical durability...the Gleaner owner likes his new machine but has trouble with dust accumulating around the engine and making troublesome fire hazard....so thats the scoop from this coffeeshop table