Combines combining buckwheat with 1660 with STD rotor


Since drying is uneven, most operators will need to windrow. Also, the roots are fairly shallow, and windrowing can prevent roots and associated clumps of dirt from being pulled up and thru the combine. Buckwheat is usually about the size of a soybean, so wide space concaves need to be used to gain separation. Start with concaves fairly wide open with rotor speed at about 500 RPM, and if thresh isn't complete, close concaves a little before speeding up the rotor. You need to use the slowest rotor speed pssible in order to avoid cracking the outer husk, since if moisture is around 16% or above the seed can sour pretty quickly. Hope this helps.


Thanks for answer, but I have read somwhere on net that combines with standard rotor as mine 1660 would not trash buckwheat properly (overtrashing and plugging seemd to be the problem). Please give your opinion on that. Also interested in type of grates you where using.