Combines Combining CornIJ


Sounds like you have a good crop coming in the near future. Here in east central Nebraska we started combining corn with the old R40 and yesterday we took some dryland out and it made 40 bushels per acre at 22% moisture. Doesn't appear to be a good year here anyway. Soybeans are going to be poor on dry land. Good luck and Happy Harvesting!!!!!


In the Southeast corner (Ga. Fl. and Al.),we started corn harvest in mid-July. The dryland crop is a total diaster and the irrigated corn is not a whole lot better. The crop-insurance adjusters have been working over-time, because of the drought. I know we don't grow any corn compared to ya'll, but I sure do like to try. I wish there was another crop, besides peanuts, that we could growand make a profit. It takes about $100.00 to $125.00 to grow 75bu. dryland corn, and $550.00 to $600.00_acre to grow 1 1_2 ton peanuts at $615.00_ton. Happy harvesting,