Combines Comparison 9650 to 9750 STS


Just a question here, I will agree that the 9750 does have more capacity. BUT, if my memory is correct I think that the 9750STS has around 7100 sq. in. total cleaning area and the 9650 walker has about 7700 If this is correct, even if you can shove more in, you can still only clean a certian amount, before you start kicking the grain out the back. That will make the 9650 have the upper hand in this area rightIJ Maybe I'm totally off base here, correct me if my logic is wrong please!


Well I have had a bit of a spin in the Deere rotary and I was in a crop of duram that was yeilding two ton to the acre,I was doing 6 mph,which was 22 acres_hour, the sample was ok and the job on the ground was good enough for the farmer, As compared to my 9610's capacity in the same crop it would have been doing just on 4 mph,anything faster it has the Deere inhereted problem of over the walker's.The rotary had the 30 foot platform, like the 9610.


You're right as far as the size of the cleaning shoe but there are differences in the layout of the shoe that may make a difference. Also any rotary with its open concave design will get more grain to the shoe faster. A walker combine can only take so much crop mat across the walkers before it will begin to carry grain out the back with the straw thus limiting the capacity of the machine.


The cleaning shoe capacity of the narrow 55" wide STS machines is fine for corn where there is a low fodder or chaff load, but dry small grain conditions, or heavy chaff crops like wheat, barley, and canola, .... the narrow cleaning shoe and chaffer can be over loaded quickly.


The cleaning shoe capacity of the narrow 55" wide STS machines is fine for corn where there is a low fodder or chaff load, but dry small grain conditions, or heavy chaff crops like wheat, barley, and canola, .... the cleaning shoe and chaffer can be over loaded quickly.


The cleaning shoe capacity of the narrow 55" wide STS machines is fine for corn where there is a low fodder or chaff load, but dry small grain conditions, or heavy chaff crops like wheat, barley, and canola, .... the cleaning shoe and chaffer can be over loaded quickly.