Combines concave covers and steering


If you are raising seed wheat, I would stick to the small wire concaves and have them hard faced by St. John's Welding. That sharp square edge on the concave should get the job done without cover plates. With cover plates you'll get contamination between varieties, or have to remove the plates for cleaning, which would be a pain in my opinion.


In response to your steering question there are a couple of possiblilites. 1) could be a leaking steering cylinder internally. Do you consistently turn the steering wheel in the same direction or does it go both ways. 2) Most likely problem is in the hand pump. The pump may be leaking internally, but my bet is that the tension on the centering springs between the pump input shaft and the metering section have different tensions due to age. To my knowlege there is no way on this hand pump to adjust or replace them. Disassembling a closed center hand pump and going back together and having everything work is 50-50 at best. If you don't get it right the pump will turn into a motor and break fingers in the spokes when you start the engine. With shop rates being what the are and steering hand prices most technicians I know of replace the pump. E-mail if you have further questions.