I would guess you need to close the concave clearance. I run a 1480 and have never had any trouble up to 34% corn.(high moisture bagged) What rotor are you running and what settingsIJ Chads
Remember that the JD's concave is nothing like yours.Round bars with no wires.That might be a clue to the difference.I would agree that you might try tightening the concave to force the material through,and keep it swept clean.Good luck.
I have had this problem before, I now run a set of helical concaves from Marv Gordon with NO wires these things work real well really cut rotor loss in all crops. Two years ago when I had this so bad I pulled all wires out of the concaves and cut half inch pipe with a slit in the pipe long ways to drive over each concave bar, made my own round bar concaves "a lot of work". If I had it to do over I would just pulled all the wires and tried it that way.
We have a speciality rotor, run concaves down to 1 to try to clean them and end up with a ton of cob in the tank. Have stayed about 2.5-3 in normal opperation, rotor speed is 300
I thought about makeing some round concaves also. Makes me mad that we have to put up with these modification on a new combine that they have had 20 yrs to perfect!!
looking in my book, Harvest Services sells Round Rod Concaves, No wires, 3_4 inch round bars, for 40 60 and 80 size machines. Has anybody used theseIJ The price is the same as standard concaves. Specially designed for corn, popcorn, soybeans, Thats what the book said. I'd like more feedback on this. Thanks!
if the concave is pluging with corn leaves i've heard that if you put 2 spiked rasp bars per row where they are plugging (and set your concave stop bolts) the spikes will wipe the leaves off the concaves and still not break up the cobs have only had to put 6 bars on to stop plugging
I know NH has also been offering round bar concaves for many years for their rotories, and loewen has been supplying them also, so yes, there must be something to it.