Conference explores life after the CWB monopoly


Junior Member
With four players controlling 72 per cent of elevator capacity, what's left for the CWB?

In a post-monopoly world, the Canadian Wheat Board will disappear altogether, or it will become the "eBay" for grain exports by bypassing the grain-handling system with container shipments.

Or it will become something in between.

It all depends on who was talking at the recent two-day conference here organized by the universities of Saskatchewan, Regina, Manitoba, Alberta and Lethbridge.

But beyond the fate of the board, conference speakers considered some of the other changes facing farmers as they enter a new era of grain marketing. And like it or not, there are some big changes in store as the federal government continues with its plan to end the monopoly as of Aug. 1, 2012.

New challenges include the impact on producer car economics and short line railways, the rise of railway market power and pressures to harmonize Canada's grain grading system with the United States. Then there's managing basis risk, and of course, the difficulties facing a voluntary wheat board.