Our head is a JD head. We made the head fit our R62 without actually buying the adapter. That isn't that difficult a job. More recently we converted the original 8-20 JD to 12-20. We bought an old 4-40 JD head and used the parts to extend the original 8-20 on each end with some bracing to stiffen things up. We had to splice the auger and buy new hex drive shafts, but that was about it. Off the shelf drive shafts couple the JD head to the Gleaner feeder house drive. What I don't know is how difficult it would be to go down to 19". We are on 20", but I think a little trimming could get the JD down to 19". I know 15" gets more complicated. The advantage of the JD 40 series units is the availability and pricing of wear parts. I like the hugger head, but have no complaints about the JD either.