Combines Corn price good


I hope you are not trying to open a range war with this post but the possibility is there. I assume you are talking about grain farmers and livestock farmers when you mention jealousy. We all know where jealousy ends. I have been a livestock farmer and presently a grain farmer. What goes up comes down on both sides of the fence. Presently I feel like I am selling $65 hogs with the current spot pricing of corn but still in the $40 range when I was filling my winter contracts--breakeven. It hasn't been too long ago that the livestock man was selling good profitable animals on cheaper grain. So maybe, only looking back very few years, we are just evening things up. I question whether you have any corn left to price or maybe any corn at all, just provoking neighbors to be jealous of each other. As far as corn going into fuel, it is he market that is presently available. Just read an article that Wisconsin is concerned, as it should be, that 5% of its farm land has been sold to development in the past 7 years and that is land that could have been used for ethanol producing corn. The suggestion is that maybe government should declare farm land protected and not developed so the state can be competitive in the ethanol market. So if that is the end result maybe we are bragging too soon about the high price of corn and its bedfellow ethanol. I still like to think that I have a little control over my land,or the land I am allowed to use in my lifetime. Be a good neighbor not a jealous one!